I'm writing this blog today with a heavy heart . For I have been dealing with this killer. We have a litter of puppies that have come down with parvo and it has been traced back to a neighbor that probably brought it in on his shoes into our yard and then our female brought it into her babies. So while I am struggling to maybe keep some alive I sadly see others be put to sleep.So my mission today is to bring to you information on this killer and what it does and what we can do to avoid it or what we can do if our little ones get it. So maybe you won't have to cry like me.
Is a viral disease. It effects our puppies. The virus grows very rapidly dividing cells in the intestinal lining This is where the biggest concentration is. The virus attacks killing good cells causing diarrhea and bleeding.The depression and suppression of white blood cells can infect the heart muscle and lead to sudden death.
Parvo is not an airborne virus.It is carried by infected dogs without showing signs The virus is shed in diarrhea and can live for 9 months in the environment Its highly contagious. A human or a dog ,bird ect. steps in the excrement and contamination occurs It can be brought home on shoes, hands, even tires of a car. It can live on a dog outside its body for many months.
Parvo is extremely hardy withstanding a wide temperature fluctuation and resists most cleaning agents. However chlorine bleach is the most effective and inexpensive
Once parvo has been introduced into your puppies environment and he has contracted it It will take 7-10 days for symptoms to start showing. It begins with a high fever,lethargy, depression, loss of appetite, Then diarrhea with blood in it, vomiting. It ends with dehydration, shock and death.
The first thing I noticed with my little ones was not eating and just sitting in a corner quietly not playing. They also wanted to be held like they didn't feel good.
What the virus does is it causes the body not to be able to absorb nutrients and liquids and the rest takes over.
Now you have your puppy at the vet what can they do for it?
The only thing they can do is keep it hydrated by IV and watch it The virus has to take its coarse They can make it through it but its very difficult there is no cure only PREVENTION A parvo shot can be given as early as 4 weeks paticularly if parvo has been in your area otherwise the recommended time is 6 weeks old.
Also a puppy that has survived parvo can get it again.
Keeping the puppies area clean is vital Keeping feces away from puppies is vital. You can clean the area with bleach. Our vet told us also you can wash your female with mild water and bleach and rinse really good making sure her feet are cleaned with bleach and water and rinsed and her nipples where your puppies suck. cleaniness is the most important part and puppies parvo shot as soon as possible.
In my next blog I will be writing about the natural cures and prevention I have found researching trying to understand this killer and how to eliminate it.
Thank-you to www.drfostersmith.com
and my own vet for information on this subject and numerous other books and articles that I've read.
1 comment:
used pedialite with peppermint and chamille tea no micrwave..use oliveleaf extract with echinaco.. baster feed...two days dog started recovering...got info from website..had taken to vet said poss parvo..paid 279.00 for blood smaple and water under skin told no cure...took listless dog home looked for natural herb cure on web..that what i found-precious was robust in 4 days...but was shaking wouldn't eat, vomit foam.. lethagic..wouldn'[t bark at grand kids when they came other..would lay around drink water and then throw it up. when i gave emergency remendy-threw it up but eeventuall y stay day...begin to walk around slowly finally 3 days running robustly -i cried and hugged pekenese and prayed!
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